Huntington 501 Series Double Hung by Kensington Windows Reviews

based on1 review

Overall quality:4
Balance System:5

June 21st, 2014  5:53 pm

Window Comments

I liked the windows fine (since 2007) until one of them spontaneously self-destructed a year ago. It sounded like a bird hit it, but there was no bird and no exterior damage. I was told the company was bankrupt, but then last fall I heard they were back in business. These are supposed to have a lifetime warranty, so I called to see about getting the window replaced (just the bottom part). The company has been promising me this window (at a price) since OCTOBER. I finally e-mailed the CEO to ask him if he was joking when he sent me a copy of the order-- and guess who hasn't e-mailed me back. I'd tell consumers not to do business with this company if you prefer to deal with reliable people.

Window Grade: 3.8
Install Comments

Installed byExcell (from Greensboro) ofNC

One installer wiped caulk on my daughter's bathroom towel.

Install Grade:3.0
Price Information

4 bedroom windows and two bathroom windows (smaller) were $3700 in March of 2007. They are low-e & I didn't believe they would keep materials from fading so quickly, but they do. This might be my favorite feature.