Silverline (Anderson) 8500 by Anderson Reviews

based on2 reviews

Overall quality:1
Balance System:1

May 14th, 2012  12:11 pm

Window Comments

12 year update on the Silverline 8000-8500 series. We built a new house in 2000 and asked the local window distributer for the windows he would use in his house. He stated that the Silverline windows were the best on the market and came with a lifetime warranty. So, we placed the order for 28 new windows. These were ordered with all of the bells and whistles. Double hung, Low-E, Argon filled, and internal grates. When the windows shipped they were nothing more than replacement windows with nailing fins attached to the frame. After the first 5 years most of the sashes were replaced for one reason or another. The biggest issue was they used a rubber seal between the panes of glass to keep the argon gas in failed under fluctuating hot and cold weather as we get here in New Jersey. When this seal fails the argon escapes and the glass quickly becomes visually streaky because the Low-E film sticks to the glass. The second issue is the plastic clips that keep the windows in the track have become brittle and have been breaking. By year 10 the majority of the sashes have failed and have been replaced under warranty. The main problem is that they will not replace the upper and lower sashes in pairs. They will only replace the unit that failed. When the new sash�s were delivered they never matches the original sash. Now we have issues with air gaps and upper sashes that don�t stay up when the windows are opened. Now every time we open a window the upper sash creeps down and the bugs are free to enter the house freely. Lower screen only, no full length screens were available for these windows. I�ve resorted to using white vinyl tape to keep the upper sash in place and keeping the air out. I called customer service regarding this situation and I was told that since Anderson bought Silverline they had no ability to accurately match up the sash dimensions exactly. I requested that they replace the sashes in pairs and they said this is not covered in the warranty. At year 12, I give up! I�m looking to replace all of the windows in the house (again). I guess the �lifetime� warranty really isn�t worth the paper it�s written on. I�d crumple it up and throw it out the window, but I can�t open the windows anymore! (Or see out of them either!!!)

Window Grade: 1.0
Install Comments

Installed byBuilder ofNJ

Install Grade:1.0
Price Information

Would have paid double for better quality windows!

Overall quality:2
Balance System:3

November 7th, 2015  1:42 pm

Window Comments

Silverline would not work with the dealer for warranty replacement due to leakage with condensation between the panes. We were in the process of selling the house. The dealer no longer handled Silverline but did their best. After a month, we were forced to pay the buyer an adjustment on the sales price. The warranty wasn't worth the piece of paper. Otherwise, the windows performed adequately for 8 years.

Window Grade: 2.3
Install Comments

Installed byWindow World ofTX

no issues

Install Grade:4.0